Birthday Ya Wema Sepetu 2015
This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Published on Nov 1, 2015. Category . Entertainment; License . Standard YouTube Licenseevent :: wema sepetu royal birthday party. decorations :: kvndavid venue :: lapf building millenium towers. colour :: white. caterer :: khadija mwanamboka click jina Mwigizaji Wema Sepetu alikua miongoni mwa wanaoutaka Ubunge wa viti maalum 2015 lakini mwisho wa matokeo kura zake hazikutosha kwenye Ubunge wake Singida Sherehe za birthday nazo zina uzito wake, Unaambiwa Wema Sepetu ambaye ni mwigizaji wa Bongo Movie alifanya Party yake Novemba 1, 2015 akawaalika mastaa wengi kutoka Video: Wema Sepetu alivyozawadiwa kwenye birthday party yake.. na Lulu ndani ! Ni kutoka kwenye party ya siku ya kuzaliwa ya mwigizaji Wema Sepetu aliyoifanyaBeautiful Onyine aka Wema Sepetu alikimbiza na kivazi chake, make up na nywele kwenye green carpet ya Women Day Celebrations iliyofanyika 3 March 2013 katika Ukumbi Gracious God, I thank You for enabling me to celebrate my birthday. Lord You have been good to me all these years and I thank You for all the blessings I have Uganda Online Entertainment news, Tabloid highlights, Celebrity Gossip, Uganda Music news, artists, photos plus international breaking news.
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