A Birthday By Christina Rossetti
Biography. Of all Victorian women poets, posterity has been kindest to Christina Rossetti. Her poetry has never disappeared from view, and her reputation, though it Complete text of the poem by Christina Rossetti. Y heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a water'd shoot;Christina Rossetti was an English poet who wrote a variety of romantic, devotional, and children's poems. She is best known for her long poem Goblin Market, her love Of all Victorian women poets, posterity has been kindest to Christina Rossetti. Her poetry has never disappeared from view, and her reputation, though it suffered a POEMS BY CHRISTINA ROSSETTI: Aloof; At Home; A Better Resurrection; A Birthday; Bride SongEarly life and education. Christina Rosetti was born in Charlotte Street (now 105 Hallam Street), London, to Gabriele Rossetti, a painter and a political exile from Christina was the sister of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and like him she showed promise as a poet while still very young. She was educated at home and encouraged to write A Birthday by Christina Georgina Rossetti. .My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a waterd shoot My heart is like an appletree Whose boughs are bent with One of the most important female writers of the 19th century, Christina Rossetti is remembered for her acerbic love poetry, vivacious ballads and nursery rhymes.Text and A* Analysis of Birthday by an Outstanding Oxford Graduate English Teacher. The poem is structured like a hymn about love, an effect which is increased by the
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